I’ve sold some big-ticket items on Craigslist recently, and I’ve been shocked by the buyers’ reluctance to negotiate. Whatever the reason, none of the four buyers made any attempts to negotiate a lower price.
In contrast, I almost always attempt to negotiate a lower price when purchasing used items. My favorite deal was when I bought my Outback. I kept quiet during the negotiation except for an occasional “Hmm,” which made the seller nervous. He talked himself down quite a bit in price. I had to hide a smile as he countered his own offers. Great deal for me!
The hike from McCargoe Cove in the middle of the island to Windigo on the western end is about 32 miles via the rugged Minong Ridge. I covered the distance in four days — a leisurely pace.
During the days, I was treated to breathtaking views of the island, the lake, and Canada.
Each night, I camped near the shore of either Lake Superior or an inland lake. Nothing is better for sleep than the gentle lapping of water on rocks.
Throughout the trip, I enjoyed the solitude. It was pure relaxation. It was Nirvana.
Isle Royale is defined by Lake Superior. Its isolation, its weather, its mystique all derrive from that enormous body of fresh water. If it were on the mainland, it might be just another national park, but there, out in the lake, it’s something different, something special.
The ferry trip to Isle Royale takes hours, during which the island grows from a sliver on the horizon into a rich, green, pristine haven of trees and wildlife. It is a transition from the modern world to the wilderness, from cars and cell phones to boots and bird calls.
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