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Corn, we are

January 23rd, 2008

We are what we eat, and that is corn.

Two of the creators of King Corn were on campus this evening for a screening of their film. It was an interesting look at modern American agriculture, specifically the journey of corn from bare ground all the way to your stomach. The take-aways: corn is in pretty much everything these days, and a lot of technology goes into getting it there.

Despite less-than-definitive science justifying my actions, I’ve spent the last couple of years trying to avoid foods with processed corn as an ingredient. It’s difficult to avoid things like corn syrup, but it’s nearly impossible to avoid corn in domestically produced animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy. Even if overconsumption of corn derivatives isn’t harmful, I figure I’m doing no worse by avoiding it.

Sorry House.

  1. Jenn G
    January 23rd, 2008 at 08:57 | #1

    You should read Michael Pollan’s The Ominovore’s Dilemma. It offers amazing insight on where our food comes from, as he traces the life cycle journey of 3 different meals.

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