June 5th, 2007
There is a growing mess of yellow Post-its on my desk at home.
Whenever I have an idea, I jot it down on a 3″ x 3″ square. The note gets pulled off the pad and tossed on the stack. After a few days, it gets buried by other papers. [speaking of notes, here’s one to myself: proofread these things more carefully before posting them, and use a spell-checker]
Thus, the things I write down precisely because they are too important to be lost end up forgotten until long past their points of irrelevance.
(This post is part of the 100/100/100 challenge)
Without post-its, I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t be able to organize myself at work right now. Everything I have to do is coordinated within 2 days, and always with new names/objectives…which Post-its are great for just slapping the info on…
But I can see how you could get carried away with too many post-its – if mine didn’t have an average shelf-life of 3 days…yeah, it would get hairy to say the least.
How do you store those post-its for the several days they’re relevant?
Usually on my desk, to the left or right of my monitors (plural – I know…it’s sad).
I’m in the same boat as Wojo. I accumulate 4-5 new post-its a day on my monitor/desk. I tried using Outlook’s task option to monitor items but it takes far less time to jot down an action item and a date the message was created. My post-its have a shelf-life of about 1-2 days and are color coordinated depending on priority. It is interesting to see how people stay organized on the job. Some use PDAs, some Blackberry but the post-it works great for me, and a far more low-tech organization method.