Entrepreneurship: First month retrospective
One month ago, I declared my intentions to work on my startup full time. The response was surprisingly positive, and I felt like I was making the right move. I still do.
To be honest, I’ve been working on my product for far longer than a month. The idea is about a year old, the current round of work started in late June, and significant coding started to get done in early August. The change since mid September has been mostly cosmetic: I no longer split my attention between a traditional job hunt and entrepreneurial efforts.
So how’s it going? Well… the product is not functional yet. The web site is in place, the payment system has been integrated, and the IT issues have been addressed, but the heart and soul of the isn’t quite there. That’s somewhat discouraging, as I would like to be able to push the prototype out and begin getting feedback (as well as some revenue). The delay is encouraging, too, as it reflects the very significant technical challenges associated with a product of this type. Barriers to entry are good things.

What's around the bend?
Based on the current state of the project, I anticipate that an early prototype will be stable and useful enough for limited public interaction by the end of October. Don’t expect a polished product. Don’t expect a beautiful interface. Do expect something that shows promise. Do expect something that has nothing at all to do with any of the current “flavors of the month.” Do expect something that solves an actual problem.
It’s getting closer. I’m excited!
HEY, i want an invitational code. ah, the power of marketing for something i don’t even know what it is. nice.
If you are going to launch something on Blurity, it is time to begin SEO now. Don’t make the mistake of spending ages perfecting your offering and only later beginning your marketing. You can begin invisible SEO marketing now and start to rank your website even without anything particular on it.
For example you linked to your site with the words “the product” but I am guessing that is not your main keyword. In fact I expect you plan to begin by getting found for your brand name “Blurity”. So when you link to it you need to link using the word “Blurity”. Also you should link to http://www.blurity.com/ to start with page rank on your main homepage instead of to http://www.blurity.com/welcome/login which is a URL which is (a) not important and (b) will probably change later.
SEO is not a launch… it is something where you most definitely want to have a 6-12 month head start BEFORE your launch.