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Warning labels (updated)

July 15th, 2008

Given the bulging waistlines of our country, I’m surprised that we don’t see warning labels on food.  There are warning labels on alcohol and cigarettes cautioning the consumer about the hazards associated with that product, so why not label junk food?  Here are some ideas:

PopTarts with warning

Edit (7/22/08): The image that was here has been bugging me.  I’m just not that cruel, and I’m sorry if I hurt my friends.  Removed.

Some other messages modeled on the cigarette warnings include:

  • Lowering your weight now reduces serious risks to your health
  • Excessive consumption of junk foods can shorten your life
  • “Reduced fat” does not mean “reduced calories”
  • This package contains 2500 calories

Surely there must be others…

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