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Right brain

June 22nd, 2008

I’m in the midst of reading A Whole New Mind, mainly because Oprah gave everbody a copy when she delivered Stanford’s commencement address.  The book attempts to sell the idea that right-brained thinking, in addition to left-brained thinking, is needed in order to be competitive in today’s world.  Fair enough.

In response, I have decided to spend the next week left-handed.  That’s not what the book advocates, but I think it will be interesting to experience life as a southpaw.

Two things I’ve already noticed: left-handed mousing is easy, but left-handed writing is hard.  And I foolishly thought that my right-handed writing was illegible.

  1. June 22nd, 2008 at 10:05 | #1

    Does that mean us natural southpaws have a leg up on the competition? Sweet.

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