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An April day

April 25th, 2008

7:20 a.m.

The alarm is blaring; time to get up. No, scratch that. Time for snooze.

7:29 a.m.

More snooze.

7:38 a.m.

OK, time to actually get up. Time for a shower, breakfast, and a quick read of the Journal before finishing up some homework.

10:00 a.m.

Arrive at class, held off site today at the ritzy Stanford Shopping Center. The assignment for MS&E 277: Creativity and Innovation: go to several stores as an observer and make notes about the experiences. Look at the lighting, smell the smells, feel the merchandise, listen to how the staff treats customers.

12:01 p.m.

Drive like mad — late for sailing class! Head over to the Stanford boathouse under beautiful skies. Once there, find out that the wind has picked up and that some of the sails are being repaired, so use racing team (i.e., really nice) sails. Go fast on the water. Go fast some more on the water. Woo!

3:05 p.m.

Drive like mad — going to be late for MS&E 288: Creating Infectious Engagement!

3:15 p.m.

Get there — on time. Deliver an absolutely astounding presentation to the class, teaching team, and guests from Facebook. Enjoy accolades. Listen to other groups’ presentations of highly variable quality.

6:30 p.m.

Dinner time. Spaghetti tonight. Look at the day’s Stanford Daily and admire photographs done by yours truly. Look at previous day’s issue. Bemoan forgotten white balance correction for the photo of a famous somebody.

8:00 p.m.

Watch most of Goodfellas for the first time.

10:12 p.m.

Watch the last few seconds of the landmark The Great Train Robbery to fully appreciate the homage at the end of Goodfellas.

10:40 p.m.

Finish writing blog post. Worry about weak plot. Decide it isn’t a problem. Sleepy time.

  1. Homan
    April 25th, 2008 at 06:42 | #1

    Dang Keacher, its like you never slow down. I’m starting to believe you actually are a robot…. just one with feelings.

  2. wojo
    April 26th, 2008 at 13:30 | #2

    i’ll agree with homan there. way to keep busy keacher – i’ve found that boredom is pretty much the worst part about post-college life. so i’ve been chasing that away with a large variety of things…none so much sound as awesome as sailing or being a photographer – but it works for me.

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