August 6th, 2007
The simplification of my life through the divestiture of material possessions continued today with the departure of my prized toy.
Goodbye, Bimmer.
The simplification of my life through the divestiture of material possessions continued today with the departure of my prized toy.
Goodbye, Bimmer.
Back to your website’s namesake? Mass Transit? Segway?
My web site’s namesake? Since the name is an eponym, does that mean walking? Perish the thought!
My locomotion is now by way of Subaru Outback. Far less exciting, but far more practical.
Are you not also Mr.
I’m sure the Outback will serve its purpose well. Especially the All-Wheel-Drive during the Winter months.
Ah, I understand now.
Truth be told, I haven’t owned a Bonneville in almost three years.
Outback: No rules, just right!