In response to an increase in panhandling, Minneapolis is considering new ordinances:
The proposed rules would ban panhandling at night, along with verbal solicitation of money within 10 feet of a crosswalk, where people feel captive to importuning beggars.
Opponents object that the amended ordinance would target poor and homeless people.
Wait… come again? The “opponents” take issue with the implied wealth and station of beggars? Of course the new rule targets the poor: the poor are the ones begging (exceptions notwithstanding). Sure, they might need extra money solely to feed a drug or alcohol habit, but the rich satisfy those vices without accosting people on the street.
To say that panhandling laws unfairly target the poor would be like saying that insider trading laws unfairly target the wealthy.
(This post is part of the 100/100/100 challenge)
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