100 days. 100 posts. 100 words.
April 15th, 2007
Brevity is the soul of wit, and writing is good for the soul. From these two maxims, I put forth a challenge to myself: write 100 blog posts on 100 topics in 100 days and let no post exceed 100 words. Should the concept intrigue you, I invite you to participate in kind either in your own blog or in the comments of other blogs.
The journey shall start tomorrow.
One more thing: a picture may be worth a thousand words, but in this challenge it counts for none.
good luck, it was hard when i did something like this. it’s all about scheduling.
nanowrimo is the devil. I was pounding out the story just fine until Thanksgiving and took an ill-timed trip to Prague. I don’t understand how some people can be at 50K by the first week.
I may be attempting this again this year. It depends on how much grad school sucks my soul.
it’s on