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October 26th, 2006

ExxonMobile announced that their third-quarter profit was $10.49 billion. In 2005, ExxonMobile had a net profit of $36.1 billion on revenues of $370 billion (9.75%).

For comparison, Microsoft had earnings of $3.48 billion in their first fiscal quarter. For fiscal 2006, their profit margin was 28.5%.

If Microsoft had Exxon’s 2005 revenue but retained their profit margin, they would have had a net profit of $105.5 billion.

Exxon’s quarterly profit is front-page news; Microsoft’s is relegated to the interior of the business section.

People are infatuated with large numbers.

  1. Tom
    October 27th, 2006 at 10:36 | #1

    Revenue is vanity, margin is sanity, and cash is king, right?

  2. October 27th, 2006 at 12:41 | #2

    interesting argument. i’d say the headlines are political propaganda slants more so than anything, especially with the elections creeping up.

  3. October 27th, 2006 at 14:07 | #3

    Also, oil is probably a hotter topic than software at the moment.

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